Well.....never ending busy....busy..busy..busy...so tired to be busy..bila la buli relax ni ah?? Gosh! I'm so exhausted.....phewww.....
Tomorrow is the event....World Hospice Day. Just hoping and finger cross, everything will be as planned & smooth....no chaos or huru hara...
By the way, just a quick note of introduction on what is
World Hospice Day.
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day is a unified day of action to celebrate and support hospice and palliative care around the world.
The theme for World Day 2010, which will take place on 9 October, is "Sharing the care".
This Day is for people to engage in events and activities to raise awareness and funds to support the development of hospice and palliative care. All around the world, there are people who need hospice and palliative care who cannot access it.
The provision of quality palliative care for people living with life limiting illness, their family members and carers requires partnership by many different people and organisations. The core principle of hospice and palliative care is the focus on the needs of the patient and carers and the role of the multi-disciplinary team in meeting these needs.
The theme for this year "Sharing the Care" will highlight the role of individuals such as community members, family members and health professionals as well as different organisations such as governments, funders, health care centres, INGOs and hospices.
It is only through partnerships that we will achieve access to quality hospice and palliative care for all those who need it. ~ Source from World Hospice Day.
Ok there you go..just some information.
I am so sleepy...& tired at the same time. Good day & good nite...blessed day ahead!